An Empty Box is the Best Gift of All

A Lesson from The Stewpot Kids’ Club

BY KRISTIN MERRON  |  February 27, 2020

As a friend of The Stewpot, it’s likely you are familiar with Saturday Kids’ Club, part of The Stewpot’s Children and Youth Program offering educational and enrichment programing for low-income children in 1st-5th grade throughout the school year. Kids’ Club participants receive breakfast and lunch, and rotate through a variety of fun and educational activities such as recreation, computers, science, and art.

On one recent occasion, Alma Reyes, Manager of Children and Youth Programs at The Stewpot, had just finished delivering a large of box of Lunchables to the students. After passing out all of the Lunchables, Alma was surprised to discover that the children seemed less interested in the Lunchables and more interested in the large empty box she was now holding.  “I asked, ‘Y’all want an empty box?’ and to my surprise, several hands went up,” says Alma. 

With only one box and several interested parties, Alma came up with a creative solution to decide which lucky participant could take home the box.  The students were all handed slips of paper and were tasked with providing the “best reason” as to why they should “win” the box.  The Children and Youth staff members would then deliberate on the submissions and cast their votes for whoever gave the best answer.

With the prized Lunchables box on the line, the students sprang into action, putting on their thinking caps to come up with the most inventive answer.  Submissions included the obvious – wanting the box as a toy to play with – through to the more creative – repurposing the box as a shoe rack – and even using the box as a device to scare siblings and cousins with.  Ultimately, it was Neil, a first grader, who submitted the winning entry with his loving idea of repurposing the box in order to create a doggy bed for his pup “Ari.”

Neil followed through on his promise to use the box for his good deed, and a very proud Mama sent us this photo as proof of his big heart! Congratulations Neil!